Category Archives: Uncategorized
Video winners at Grammy Awards
Erol Alkan “A hold on love”
ALB “Whispers”
King Krule “A lizard state”
Avicii – TrueTube
"TrueTube" is the name of an interactive music video-creation for Avicii. On the site you make a mash-up by choosing a YouTube-video and then a song from Avicii's album True. You can sync a moment in the video with a moment in the song. On the site you can watch others mash-ups also.
Avicii … Continue Reading ››
Avicii … Continue Reading ››
U2 “New years day”
Beyoncé unleashes Visual Album
Pay to watch music videos? Beyoncé's concept of releasing 17 videos which are only available on Itunes rises the question. We're so used to be able to see all videos for free that we don't value them for what they're worth. Anyhow Beyoncé approach of releasing videos for all of the songs is a true … Continue Reading ››